Consent is an essential part of having safe sex. It can only happen when permission is enthusiastically given by an individual(s) to engage in sex or a sexual activity. All individuals taking part in the specified activity should have the freedom and capacity to make that choice and can safely withdraw consent at any time. The acronym FRIES details all the characteristics that should be found in informed consent;
Stealthing is an act of intentionally removing, damaging or tampering a barrier method of contraception, such as a condom, either before or during sexual activity without consent from a sexual partner.
The use of artificial methods or other techniques to avoid unwanted side effects of sex/sexual activity such as pregnancy, STIs and STDs. Common contraceptive methods include; the pill, condoms, the rod, IUD and IUS.
The act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact against another person both sexual and non-sexual. For example, sexual violence is a form of assault.
Sexual violence is any form of sexual act or attempt to obtain a sexual act by violence or coercion. Without consent.
An acronym for sexually transmitted infection. A sexually transmitted infection can be caused by a bacteria, virus or parasite that can pass from person to person through bodily fluid (such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid) or skin to skin contact during sexual activity. It is important to test yourself regularly to keep yourself and your sexual partners safe.
An acronym for sexually transmitted disease and is more serious than an STI. (Although STD and STI are often used interchangeably, the distinction is that one is an infection the other is a disease. Not all infections result in diseases however all sexually transmitted diseases start with an initial infection. Therefore, all STIs should be taken seriously and treated quickly to avoid their development into STDs.)
Sexual health is an area of healthcare and activism that explores individual’s ability to express and enjoy their sexuality free from the risk of sexually transmitted infections and diseases, unwanted pregnancy, violence, and discrimination. It is about well-being, NOT only the absence of negative health outcomes.
Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics (primarily sexual organs and hormones) that society often uses to define humans as female or male. This is what people are assigned at birth.
WHO defines gender as “the characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl, or boy, as well as relationships with others.” This does not refer to sexual organs and can be expressed in a variety of ways.
Sex/ sexual activity is the physical actions through which sexuality can be expressed. It can be defined by a variety or acts both solo and with a partner(s). It is NOT just penetrative sex.
Gender expression refers to the way a person chooses to express their identity on the gender spectrum that is not necessarily related to their sexual organs. This may or may not correspond to the sex a person was assigned at birth.